Whilst the majority of houses undoubtedly sell to people with local connections, there are a significant number of buyers who are attracted from further afield through active marketing to a wider audience. These should never be underestimated, and this is where our Mayfair Office comes in.
Situated in Maddox Street, W1 in the heart of London's West End between Oxford Street and Marylebone Village, Mayfair Office handles our national advertising and PR. Our London team is skilled in property marketing and enables us to offer unbeatable local knowledge supported by all the benefits of a West End agency.
The office produces a bi-annual, high-end magazine called ‘The Mayfair Collection’ which is distributed to prospective buyers globally, and as well as being a London showcase for our property, our colleagues in the Mayfair Office excel in securing valuable national PR on our client's properties in titles such as The Times, The Telegraph, The Evening Standard, etc. Their contacts with property journalists in the national media have been very well developed over the past 20 years. Mayfair Office is also a leading advertiser in all the major national newspapers, and magazines such as Country Life and Horse & Hound. Their large buying power enables them to pass on significant discounts to our clients.
The London Office | Mayfair

In addition to all this, from time-to-time we also hold ‘London Days’ where we travel up to the Mayfair Office and speak to prospective London buyers ourselves. Ask us when our next London Day is and we would be happy to include your property in our showcase at the Mayfair Office.
When it comes to selling property there is no doubt that given the choice of instructing a national firm acting locally or a local firm acting nationally, it is the latter that consistently achieves the best results.
Cashel House, 15 Thayer Street, London, W1U 3JT
Telephone: 020 7467 5330 | Email: info@mayfairoffice.co.uk